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Old North's Lantern: Obama the Fly Killer

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Obama the Fly Killer

I can't believe I'm writing on this subject, but here goes.

If you were anywhere near a television the past few days, you had to have seen the video clip, up above, of President Obama pulling his best Mr. Miyagi impression and killing a suicidal fly. Other than being extremely impressed with the President's lightning fast reflexes, it was no big deal, right? Well...

You see, Mr. Miyagi didn't actually kill the fly, he just caught it between the chopsticks and let it go. President Obama, on the other hand, did what 99.9% of the world's population would have done and summarily gave it an honorable death.

Therein lies the problem. You see, we have this out of control organization, which was originally formed with good intentions, called PETA. Most people know PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. However, after hearing of their statement condemning the President for his failure " act wisely and mercifully toward animals.", I believe PETA should stand for Practically Every Thought Assbackwards.

Seriously, can you believe when asked for their official statement on the matter, PETA actually said on their official blog, The PETA Files, "...human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act."? Wow!!! I'm dumbfounded by the insanity of some people in this country.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not for the total eradication of the common housefly. I'm sure they have their purpose on this earth, if not, God would not have put them here. However, a single, clearly aggravating, fly is very insignificant, in the scheme of things, when there are estimations of 10's of quadrillions on the planet. Yep, that's -illions with a Q.

What really peeves me about this story is the hypocrisy. PETA actually puts down thousands of pets every year, in the name of overpopulation. If -illions with a Q isn't overpopulation, I don't know what is. Besides, flies carry over a hundred different diseases, including tuberculosis, anthrax, typhoid, cholera, salmonella, and parasitic worms. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, it's the first thing Obama has done that I approve of.

People, like the Peta folk, are so concerned over 1 housefly out of the -illions with a Q. Yet, couldn't care less about, even, 1 solitary dollar out of the -illions with a T the President wants us to throw away on, the disaster waiting to happen that is, the Health Care Reform Bill.

Worse than this, is the fact that, many of these same people are the ones who argue so vehemently in support of aborting human babies. There are an estimated 1.3 - 1.4 million abortions per year in the United States alone. Have you heard, even, one of these wackos speak up for the right to live these children deserve? Yet, a common housefly deserves more consideration than a human being.

I said it earlier people, assbackwards. There are waaaaay too many people in this country who's thinking is completely discombobulated. Matter of fact, if you flip USA backwards, AS U can clearly see everything is bassackwards.

I'll be typin' at ya later,
Bob the Blogger


Anonymous said...

I also could not believe the PETA people, unbelievable how some people think. Then again maybe that is the problem they don't think.

Bob the Blogger said...

Oh they're thinking alright. It's just all backwards thinking. You've heard of reverse psychology. Well this is what you call reverse common sense.