Yes, I said question, because the simple truth is, it's not a FACT. And, yes, I said "Global Warming", because despite the latest attempts at changing the moniker to "Climate Change", it was "Global Warming" which was the original cry of Armageddon.
You see, when the facts and trends was not proving out their theories, they had to change their game plan. So out they trotted a new slogan, "Climate Change". This slogan covered all their bases. If it was a hotter year than usual or a colder year than usual, they could still point and say, "See, we told you so.".
Please don't be fooled by these people. Most of them have a vested interest in selling the public on this scam called Global Warming or Climate Change or Environmental Awareness or whatever else they have used or will come up with in the future.
The simple fact of the matter is our planet runs in cyclical trends. Most scientists, who are either respectable enough or do not have some sort of vested interest otherwise, will tell you this.
The reason I'm going off on this today is because our tree-hugging former VP Al Gore is heading off to Washington today to try and convince lawmakers the sky is falling. He will try to tell them we are in dire straits and if we don't do something about it this year, we'll all be dead within the decade.
Scare tactics. If you want to rule a people, make them afraid of the consequences of you not being in power. That if not for you, they will lose everything, including life. You are their saviour. Only you can make the changes necessary to bring about their rescue from death and destruction.
It may be more credible if it weren't coming from hypocrites and profit mongers, such as, the Hollywood crew and our, growing ever stranger, former VP. This is a group who would tell you to walk as much as you can, take public transport when possible and, for the love of Mother Nature, never buy an SUV.
Hypocrites, all. Why you ask? Well, because in the meantime they are driving around in the biggest gas guzzlers known to man, using up the most electricity and water at their gigantic mansions and flying around the planet in their Lear jets. But, don't you dare buy that toilet that uses a half a gallon extra a flush than the more "environmentally friendly" one.
What of all the scientists that back it up, you say? Well, like Al Gore, who stands to profit multi-millions off new laws that would be passed, these scientists also stand to profit. Not necessarily in personal gain, but in research funding. That's what it's all about to them. If they can strike enough fear into the public to cause an outcry, then the politicians would be forced to open up the public coffers and fund away.
Please educate yourselves on this subject and don't just believe what you hear on television or in speeches from people who stand to profit. There are plenty of websites and articles on the internet to read on the question of global warming. I'll list a few at the bottom of this article, you can click on.
I'll be typin' at ya later,
Bob the Blogger
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