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Old North's Lantern: Hey Big Spender

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey Big Spender

I really need to preface this post by saying, I really didn't start this blog site with the intention of downing or beating up on our current President. And, I do not intend that to be the focus of future posts, but when there is relevant news that, in my opinion, puts President Obama in a bad light, I also will not shy away from it.

I just wanted to get that out of the way, in case anyone reading might have the false impression, from previous posts, that I'm just here to cast a negative portrayal of the current administration and it's policies. That being said, I would like to get to some huge news that broke this morning.

Anyone who followed last year's elections know that a big focus of the Obama campaign was on Health Care Reform. He made it well known his goal was to make sure every United States citizen had some form of health care coverage. While it's fine and dandy to say such things, you have to consider every aspect of what such a lofty goal would require.

Today's short-sightedness is a bane to our future as a country. And, it is my humble opinion, President Obama has been very short-sighted, indeed. So far, in his very short time in office, Mr. Obama has managed to outspend every single President before him put together.

That's correct, you heard me right. President Obama, in approximately the usual time it takes for most new Presidents to figure out where all the bathrooms in the White House are, has spent more money than every president, from George Washington to George W. Bush, all put together. That seems like an impossibility, but it is indeed the fact.

So, how does one top such a dubious distinction? Well, by spending even more money, of course. Which brings us to the subject of this post. Health Care Reform.

The news broke this morning of how much money it would take to implement President Obama's Health Care Reform Bill. This price tag was issued by a non-partisan committee that was formed to get down to the brass tax of such bills.

Are you ready for this? The price tag to implement Obama's bill is 1 trillion dollars. That's right, trillion with a big gigantic capital T. Do you people realize how much money we're talking about here? $1,000,000,000,000. That's a lot of zeros!!!

That number is so mind boggling, the U.K. and the U.S. cannot even agree on the true nature of how much it actually is. If you don't believe me, go check the dictionary and find out for yourselves. Some describe it as a billion millions, others as a million million millions. Either way, it's a whole hell of a lot of money.

Here's the kicker. That $1,000,000,000,000 we were just discussing will only take care of 1/3 of the American citizens. That's right, you heard me correctly again. That astronomical number will not even do the job. It will take another 2 trillion to cover the rest of the nation.

That's $3,000,000,000,000 to implement Obama's Health Care Reform Bill all together. Call me naive or stupid, but I have to ask one question. Who is going to pay for all this? We certainly can't pay for this today. As previously shown, Obama has already spent more than every other administration before him put together. So where do we get this money?

Unfortunately, if this plan is allowed to pass through Congress, it will be our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on and so on, who would bear this burden. Well, excuse me for not being selfish, but I'm not willing to bankrupt my descendants future just so some people living presently can have Health Care Coverage.

Before anyone reading goes saying "Well that's easy for you to say when you can afford health insurance.", I should tell you I, myself, do not have the privilege of being insured. Nor, does my wife. Self-employed health insurance is just too expensive for me to afford presently, and we seem, according to the government, to make just a bit too much to be covered by Medicaid. Thank God the government does cover our children, though.

The selfish person in me would love to see this bill passed, but the sensible and rational person in me knows it would be a total and complete disaster for this country in every way possible. Not only will it bankrupt future generations of Americans, but it also lends to downgraded quality of health care today. Just ask the people living in the U.K. and Canada and they will recount nightmare story after nightmare story of waiting periods for exams, medicines, tests and the such.

Lower pay and fees for practitioners and health care facilities have been targeted as a means to help pay for this "Reform". Well, just what do you think that is going to do to the health care profession? If the best and the brightest don't see a profitable future in the career of health care, they will move on to more secure and stable careers. This will lead to significant downgrades in quality care. This is a fact not a presumption. All we have to do is look at the precedent set in the U.K. and Canada.

So, I come to the end of this article and you may want to know what you can do about it one way or the other. I would suggest for you to pick up your phone, get out your pen and paper or log on to your government websites and let your Congressmen and Senators know we do not want to sacrifice our children's futures for our comforts today.

I'll be typin' at ya later,
Bob the Blogger