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Old North's Lantern: Obama Calls Honduran President's Removal "Not Legal"

Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama Calls Honduran President's Removal "Not Legal"

You know what? I'm not going to mince words. Obama is scaring the bejesus out of me. Seriously.

Aren't we supposed to be the bastion of democracy in the world? Are we not, still, Ronald Reagan's "shining city upon a hill"? Well, apparently, if Obama has anything to say about it, NO!

U.S. President Barack Obama

Let me recap, for you, what our President has called "not legal" in Honduras.

The President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, recently tried to put an unconstitutional referendum on the ballot, which was an attempt at remaining in power past his democratically elected term. Honduras' constitution clearly states a one term limit for their Presidents. The reason this limit is in place is to try and keep the possibilities of a dictator taking control of the country.

Honduran President Manuel Zelaya

You have to remember, this is a country that has had problems with dictators in the past. So, to have this guy making a move towards trying to stay in power past his duly appointed term, raised red flags with their Supreme Court and other branches of the government.

The last straw was when he approached Romeo Vasquez Valasquez, the head of the Honduran military, with a request to back him up. When Valasquez refused to go against the constitution, Zelaya ousted him. It doesn't take much of a leap of common sense to assume Zelaya had plans on replacing him with a yes man. The Honduran Supreme Court, later the same day, re-installed Valasquez to his position.

Zelaya paid no mind to the Supreme Court and tried to go on with his plans for the referendum, which by now was deemed illegal by the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, the Congress and the country's top electoral body.

On June 27th, protesters began to march on the capital city in opposition to Zelaya. The Supreme Court, military and other governing bodies called for a cessation of the protests, amid fears of all out riots and fighting.

On June 28th, Zelaya was detained on orders of the Supreme Court and flown to Costa Rica in exile.

So, this is a basic recap of the situation in Honduras, as it stands. For a little more background on Zelaya, it must be noted, this is a man that has allied himself with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. He also has made disparaging comments about the United States on several occasions. By his actions, statements and the company he keeps, Zelaya has shown which side of democracy he falls on.

The question is, what side of democracy does Obama fall on? Before you go thinking that is an outrageous question, I would beg you to judge a tree by it's fruit.

First, let's take Obama's own words into account. He stated that his mother was "the dominant figure in my formative years... The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics."

That statement begs the question of what his mother's politics were all about. A look back into her life clearly shows statements, associations and leanings toward communism, socialism and Marxism. She never tried to hide her political beliefs which were extreme leftist.

So, if what she taught him continues to be his touchstone when it comes to politics, as he stated, that really explains everything he has done, thus far, while in office.

Next let's take a look at the people Obama associated himself with in Chicago. The biggest majority of them were openly anti-American socialists. Such "upstanding patriots" as William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Saul Mendelson, Louis Farrakhan, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) among others in and out of Chicago.

Obama's buddy William Ayers now (left) and then (right)

Obama with his pastor, Jeremiah Wright

Michelle Obama and Farrakhan's wife chumming it up at a women's luncheon.

Marxist revolutionary Che Guevera displayed proudly at an Obama campaign headquarters.

We could go through them one at a time, but for time's sake let's just say they are a group including a domestic terrorist, anti-Americans, leftists and a group aimed at turning us into a socialist or communist nation. And these were Obama's closest associates in Chicago.

You may say who he associated himself with means absolutely nothing. You may say it doesn't necessarily mean he holds the same beliefs. You may even say his statement about his Marxist mother being his touchstone and his most dominant influence, doesn't convince you. Ok, let's say all of that overwhelming evidence didn't exist. Let's say all we had to go on was what he has done since he's been in office. What then?

Well, we've already pointed out his latest damning statement about the Honduran government and military's removal of their, Hugo Chavez loving, President Zelaya being "not legal". Yeah, ok, how dare a people rise up against a wanna be dictator and remove him from office. We Americans wouldn't know anything about rebelling against a ruler who was trying to oppress us, would we?

In the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln said we should all, as Americans, dedicate ourselves so that a government "of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth."

Wake up America!!! Our nation was formed in such ways. Democracy should always be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. When you call a rebellion by the people against a ruler who was trying to change a country's constitution, "not legal", I and every other freedom loving human on the planet should sit up and take notice.

This is the same President who just recently would not give a word of support to protesters in Iran who are starved for a change in their oppressive government. He stepped it up a notch against Honduran protesters and called their actions "not legal".

Now let's move on to his plans of socializing our health care, government take overs of banks, auto manufacturers and any other private business it deems necessary for "the good of the people".

These are all things he has either already done, in his short time in office, or is trying to get done. This is a man who was reared on leftist thinking and is steeped in socialistic ideals.

I'm scared, and that's no joke. I'm terrified at what else he may be allowed to do with no check or balance in Congress to stop him from his socialist agenda.

I was not born into a socialist society and I do not want to live in a socialist society. I was born a free United States citizen and I would like it to stay that way.

Does it ever make you wonder why the left is so dead set against law abiding United States citizens owning guns? Do they worry that one day, when they flip the switch completely over to communism, the population will smell the socialist stinking coffee and rise up, as they have in Iran and Honduras, but with the weapons and ammunition to make a dent?

Just remember, our country was born out of armed citizen's rebelling against a government they felt was oppressive and did not agree with. So, when our president makes a public statement, such as he did by calling the ouster of an out of control leader, "not legal", that is a slap in the face to our ancestors who basically done the same exact thing.

I'll be typin' at ya later,
Bob the Blogger